Education and Distribution of B-Free Cups

Education and Distribution of B-Free Cups

In the Imvepi refugee settlement’s Zone 1 and surrounding host areas, CEPAD WN has focused on educating beneficiaries about Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and distributing B-Free cups. This initiative includes teaching about sexual and reproductive health rights, sexually transmitted diseases, and gender-based violence (GBV). High turnout from adolescents and parents highlighted the community’s engagement in supporting young girls.

Key concerns addressed:

  • High teenage pregnancy and school dropouts
  • Parental and community leader roles in supporting girls
  • Technology’s impact on social structures
  • Efficiency and usage of B-Free cups

Craft and Knitting Start-up Materials Distribution

To sustain women’s and girls’ craft and knitting skills, CEPAD WN provided start-up materials to 30 trained individuals. Grouping women and girls from both host and refugee communities encourages teamwork and learning.

Key points:

  • Sharing materials and earning a living
  • Responsibility and anti-selfishness
  • Reintegration of profits for sustainability
  • Inclusive training for broader community impact

GBV and Protection Services

Survivors of GBV received timely and appropriate responses, with referrals made for further support. The number of beneficiaries receiving information and support through various channels, including MHM kits, is detailed below.

Awareness on MHM and Community Education

In December 2022, CEPAD WN conducted extensive MHM awareness campaigns, reaching over 2,000 community members, including those with disabilities. The 16 Days of Activism helped prepare the community for B-Free cup distribution and emphasized the connection between MHM and GBV.

Beneficiaries Reached

  • MHM Kits Distribution:
    • Total: 987 (Refugees: 536, Hosts: 451)
  • Referrals:
    • 13 PSNs identified, 7 successful referrals for special support

16 Days of Activism

CEPAD WN actively participated in the 16 Days of Activism, contributing to events and advocating for women’s and girls’ rights. The closing event at the UNHCR Base in Imvepi emphasized understanding human rights and combating violence against women and girls.

Photo Highlights

  • Host adolescent girls receiving B-Free cups
  • Distribution of start-up kits
  • Craft exhibition during 16 Days of Activism
  • MHM awareness sessions
  • Preparation of referrals for special support cases

For more detailed statistics and information on our activities, please refer to the full report.

Thank you for your continued support. Together, we can create a safer and more empowering environment for women and girls in our communities.


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