The Management is composed of the General Assembly who is the highest Governing body in the Organization. It comprises of all registered members and the body meets once every year to discuss, approve, amend, or reject narrative and financial reports and approve the general policies and organizational plans. The founding members is the second body of the institution who give technical support to the Board of Directors (BOD). The BOD is the third layer in Organizational Governance. The BOD comprise of Legal and Technical Advisers and have Committees (Finance and Procurement, Audit and Risk, Appointment and Recruitment Committees) BUT do not have a Decision-Making Capacity because Final Decisions are made by the General Assembly.
The Board
The Board of Directors provide the Oversight to the Organizational Management and meets every three months to discuss the Reports and Management plans. The Management encompasses all the Contracted Staff and Volunteers who implement the Programs of the Organization on day-to-day basis and report to the Board of Directors. CEPAD-WN is Accountable not only to its Members and Donors BUT also to its Project Beneficiaries and Audits its Accounts yearly. More information can be obtained on the Website at, Facebook Page