About Us

Our Motto
Towards a prosperous and peaceful Society in West Nile
Community empowerment for peace and development (CEPAD) was founded in 2013 in Arua district. We have done wash
projects and library in Arua, Maracha and Zombo Districts It started as an empowerment
and is dedicated to the cause of nonviolent conflict transformation. The
mandate of the organization is to work for “nonviolent, peaceful and prosperous
society in Uganda. To achieve its goals, the organisation had defined five
thematic areas in which it operates.
themes of CEPAD
1. Peacebuilding and nonviolent conflict transformation
2. Governance and civic education (GCE)
3. Gender and Community empowerment (GCE)
5. Internal organizational development (IOD) of CEPAD
The vision,
mission and value statements of CEPAD are as follows:
A prosperous and peaceful society where every person has access to basic human rights and needs
CEPAD works with vulnerable people in West Nile to promote peaceful co-existence through training and advocacy.
Core Values
1. Peaceful social change
We are committed to upholding the
principle of nonviolence as means of social change. We shall attract people by
deeds, not coercion; seek to transform society through dialogue and persuasion.
We shall be the change that we want to see in the world.
2. Equity and social justice
We shall be gender sensitive, and include
both men and women not only as beneficiaries but also as decision makers. We are committed to regional and religious
representations in our workshops as well as in our management structures.
3. Empowering poor people to improve their own lives
We will work with, not for, the poor
people to improve their situation. We will train and empower project
beneficiaries to take empowerments and to sustain activities.
4. Team work and responsibility
We shall work as a team and undertake
activities collectively while recognizing our diversities and differences. We
will collaborate, network, and respect each other at all times; resist
divisions among our members; and resolve our problems amicably. We shall make
proper use of CEPAD resources including assets, funds and documents.
5. Honesty and transparency
We shall be open
to each other and in our dealings with target communities. We shall be
accountable to beneficiaries and donors in all our operations and in
utilization of funds. We agree not to abuse our offices for individual gain. We
shall be open about our work, making information about our activities and plans
available to relevant stakeholders – management team, beneficiaries, partners,
6. Participatory democracy
We are committed to democratic structures.
We shall involve beneficiaries in decision making process. We shall ensure that
decisions, when possible, be reached by consensus, and carry out the activities
of CEPAD as agreed and developed by the members.
7. Learn from others in humility
We believe no one has monopoly of
knowledge. We have to learn from others. We will share credit for
accomplishments as well as engage in honest communication with other partners,
and when possible, help others doing similar work to succeed. We shall use
participatory approaches in all the workshops.
8. Diversity
We value diversity, not only about who we
serve but also who we recruit to our board, staff or volunteers. We shall
ensure that our training materials shall be appropriate to the culture of
specific group that we train. We shall respect other cultures, not just ours.
9. Spirit of voluntarism
We are committed to serving the humanity
on voluntary basis. We shall be self-motivated not only to give material things
but also ourselves and time to serve the community.