Women’s Day Celebration.

CEPAD WN, among other partner organization in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement contributed in organization of the Women’s Day Celebrations in the settlement and took lead in the activities of the day.

This is as part of the eleven months project CEPAD WN is implementing with aid from IFA aimed at Promoting Inter Community Engagement (dialogue), for peace and social cohesion   of communities, celebration of national and international   days of importance, among other activities.

It was a very colorful and wonderful day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and Political contributions made by Women in Rhino Camp Refugee settlement, in West Nile Region of Uganda under the theme “Women in leadership; Achieving an equal future in a COVID 19 World”.

During the celebrations there were speeches given by various speakers, poems, songs and cultural dance to pass information about the importance of women in their communities all aimed at; –

  • motivating the local women in the settlement and the host communities to instill the urge of leadership and take part in decision making in their communities
  • enabling peaceful coexistence in the communities
  • making the community to heal from the effect of Covid 19 pandemic.

The celebration was grace by Mrs. Olema Annet, the Guest honor among other guest speakers who made a call to action for strengthening Gender equality and accelerating women empowerment saying, “Empowerment means access, decision making and control, there is no empowerment without access and control, and therefore, women need have control of resources and also take key decisions both in homes and communities”.

The celebration was attended by over five hundred (500) people including all the implementing partners, Under the supervision of UNHCR and OPM, all the partners participated equally in making the day a success. Each partner had responsibilities to fulfill just like CEPAD-WN who took charge of Decoration, refreshments and public address system under the project of IFA. The day was also graced with several entertainments from different groups such as women groups, youth group, and debates between the women and men.

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