Community Empowerment for peace and development (CEPAD) was founded in 2013 in Arua district operating in 3 of the west Nile region (Arua, Maracha and Zombo) districts. It started as an initiative and is dedicated to the cause of peacebuilding, conflict management and empowerment of communities. In its approach to phase out the peaceful coexistence project funded by Stiftung, CEPAD together with the help of the peace clubs have conducted 2hours dialogue on the 10th/08/2020 in Agulupi and 18th/08/2020 in Ocea.
The main objective of this dialogue is to enable the community members identify problems in their communities and discuss the causes, effects and suggest solutions to these problems
a. Agulupi Dialogue
The dialogue was attended by a total of 34,18 were female and 16 were male, including the partner organization and OPM and CEPAD staff.
The Participants came up with conflict as a serious problem especially among the Nuer and Dhinka, between the refugees and hosts.
They explained the causes of the conflicts to be as; Inter-tribal marriage, cultural differences, Mismanagement of emotion, Limited resources like firewood, water among others, Language barrier that leads to misunderstanding, Inter-tribal differences ie cultural practice, Past experience, Hatred, Suspiciousness, Lack of tolerance
And the effects to be as; Physical disability, Loss of life, Loss of property, Hate speeches, Imprisonment, Denial by community members , Revenge tendencies, Forced marriage, Inferiority feeling especially on the side of the part that might have lost.
The community members in Agulupi suggested some solution which would help reduce on conflict cases; Water points to be managed by water user committee, More water points to be added, The leaders should control the movement of stray animals through charging fines, Engaging youths in activities such as drama, sports and others since they can easily be influenced to do wrong things, Organizing activities for the different cultures for mutual under standing

b. Ocea Dialogue-Topic: Drug abuse
A total of 27, 16 female and 11 male attended the dialogue, 3 staff from UNHCR, 1 from OPM, the participants came up with drug abuse as the main problem affecting their community.
They gave the causes as; lack of land cultivation, lack of jobs , peer influence, stress , parentless, Idleness, Family neglect, Unemployment within the refugee settlement by implementing partners, Due to lockdown, all students are at homes idle causing drug abuse
They also mentioned the result of the problem as;
Suggested solution to reduce drug abuse in Ocea: they intend to carryout mass community sensitization on the effects of drug abuse , counselling and guiding the youths , Conducting community dialogues , Encouraging people to get their hoes and go to dig

Suggested solution to reduce drug abuse in Ocea: they intend to carryout mass community sensitization on the effects of drug abuse , counselling and guiding the youths , Conducting community dialogues , Encouraging people to get their hoes and go to dig