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West Nile as many regions in Uganda and the world at large experience an increasing case of Sexual Gender-based Violence(SGBV), this intensifying course call for thoughtful mitigative measures which cover a wide range of measures from Sensitization, and management of the cases.
Community Empowerment for Peace and Development (CEPAD) with funding from Um Veteilen! (Stiftung fur eine, solidarische Welt) organized a training for Front-liners in managing SGBV cases in the refugee settlements in Yoro base camp on 16th Dec 2020.

The training is aimed at providing the front-liners (Police and Medical practitioners) who play a great role in mitigating SGBV by how they educate the mass and manage reported cases of SGBV suitable acquaintances in understanding SGBV, types, causes and possible measures on how to end this act.
During the training Among other topics discussed were: Understanding SGBV, Types of SGBV, Causes of SGBV, Effects of SGBV, Impacts of SGBV, Legal frame works on SGBV, Referral pathways for SGBV case management.

Sexual Gender-based Violence is abuse against humanity and crime committed against humanity, therefore all forms of SGBV must be reported to local authorities, Police, RDCs and, or OPM for legal litigation and should be handled without any discrimination